How can You Bet on CS:GO?

How can You Bet on CS:GO?

Yes, you can. That is the short answer. While the long answer would include a few more details. There are team A and team B. They compete against each other and there are a few ways you can bet. The first way is the most obvious one, you bet on who wins the game. Another way to bet on CS:GO is who wins on the individual bet. Also, you can bet on that the game will end up a draw, because nobody won.

How is the Win Determined?

The win in this type of competitive sport is determined by the number of kills (we will call them points in this article) or fulfilling the objectives. This includes disarming the bomb in certain maps. The total number of points achieved by all team members against the enemies. On some maps, the win can only be obtained by destroying the other team.

Can You Bet on Wins in Certain Maps?

Yes, you can bet on each map. This was made possible because some teams are better on some maps while on the other maps they are not as successful.

Team Skill Versus Individual Skill

Different teams win because of different reasons. But what is common for most professional CS:GO teams is that teamwork is often more important than individual skill level. The secret of good teamwork is communication. Be sure to observe a good amount of games before starting your betting journey and use your knowledge of the game and win some money.

Most teams have a first-class individual lineup. Players have a good history in different competitions. But the win, as we mentioned, depends on the team spirit alone. Great players don’t necessary mean great team.

Where is Betting on CS:GO Available?

It is available on a number of different operators, we have tested Pinnacle which is a user-friendly and fast website. The registration process is easy and intuitive and the match statistics are very precise and they will give you enough insight into your match. The Pinnacle has great odds as well, so you will be able to maximize your profits if your luck and knowledge serve you well.

You can find most popular tournaments on Pinnacle and just to mention a few: ECS, ELEAGUE, ESEA, FACEIT, SLTV StarSeries, ESL One, Dreamhack and many others. All tournaments are picked with a lot of care towards their quality and competitiveness.

Among other operators, betway esports is also very involved into offering betting on not just CS:GO, but also Dota 2, League of Legends, Dota 2 – ESL One Birmingham, CS: GO – StarSeries i-League, League of Legends – Demacia Cup and even Overwatch – OWL. Live betting is also available there so you can monitor all the matches you are interested in betting on.

The difference in between CS:GO and League of Legends, Dota 2 and other multiplayer games is the requirement of a teamwork. Sometimes it happens that a team that has an average individual skill wins because of the well-coordinated teamwork.

Betting on CS:GO and even other esports games is on the rise and is popular among the younger audience who are also fans of the game.